Guide to Online EMDR Therapy: Finding the Right Therapist Near Me

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy stands out for its remarkable success in treating trauma and various psychological challenges. As telehealth skyrockets in popularity, people now ask: Can virtual EMDR therapy match the effectiveness of traditional face-to-face sessions? Dive into the transformative world of this therapy, explore its profound benefits, and discover how online therapy giants like BetterHelp pioneer in offering this specialized treatment.

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) emerges as a game-changing psychotherapy technique, decisively tackling the distress linked to traumatic memories. With a powerful 8-phase blueprint, therapists actively guide patients in reshaping haunting experiences into uplifting memories.

The 8-Phase Approach of EMDR Therapy

As mentioned above, EMDR stands out with its proactive eight-phase strategy, designed to transform traumatic events into constructive memories. Let’s navigate through each phase:

  1. History and Treatment Planning: From the get-go, therapists actively delve into your background, pinpointing traumatic events ripe for such type of intervention. This solid foundation paves the way for transformative sessions ahead.
  2. Preparation: Before confronting trauma head-on, therapists equip you with potent emotional distress-handling techniques. You’ll be armed and ready for the profound sessions ahead, ensuring emotional resilience.
  3. Assessment: Here, the therapist zeroes in on the pivotal memory earmarked for treatment. You’ll engage with the symbolic image of that memory, challenge self-deprecating beliefs, and embrace related feelings and physical sensations.
  4. Desensitization: Navigate the trauma landscape confidently! With the therapist’s guidance, you’ll oscillate between the haunting memory and external stimuli, like the therapist’s rhythmic finger movements, dismantling its emotional grip.
  5. Installation: Pivot towards positivity! You’ll amplify a chosen positive belief, replacing the erstwhile negative perspective.
  6. Body Scan: Post-installing the affirmative belief, the therapist prompts you to recall the event, observing any lingering body discomfort. Any residual unease undergoes the bilateral stimulation process for resolution.
  7. Closure: Each session culminates with you in a more empowered state than when you started. Therapists share self-soothing techniques to keep you grounded between sessions.
  8. Reevaluation: As each new session unfolds, therapists keenly assess the strides made, ensuring every facet of the traumatic memory undergoes thorough processing.

All things considered, incorporating the 8-phase approach ensures a holistic treatment, addressing not only the traumatic event but also the negative beliefs, emotions, and body sensations associated with it. This structured method is one of the reasons EMDR has been found to be so effective for many individuals.


EMDR is not just limited to treating PTSD. Its benefits span across various psychological ailments:

  1. Trauma and PTSD: It’s initial design was for PTSD, and its effectiveness in this domain remains unparalleled.
  2. Anxiety Disorders: For those with phobias, panic disorders, or generalized anxiety, this type of therapy can provide relief.
  3. Depression: By addressing past traumatic events, EMDR aids in alleviating depressive symptoms.
  4. Grief and Loss: It helps individuals process the pain associated with losing a loved one.
  5. Addictions: By targeting the root causes, this therapy serves as a useful tool in addiction recovery.

Therapy Online: Does It Work?

As technology advances, online therapy platforms like BetterHelp have been offering EMDR sessions virtually. It evolutionizes treatment by offering unmatched flexibility. But can these online sessions match the efficacy of in-person ones?

  1. Accessibility: Online therapy makes treatment accessible to those who not have local specialists or those who prefer the comfort of their homes.
  2. Flexibility: Schedule sessions at times that are most convenient, eliminating travel time and associated stresses.
  3. Affordability: Often, online platforms offer competitive rates compared to in-person sessions.
  4. Safety and Comfort: For individuals with severe anxiety or trauma, beginning treatment in a familiar environment can be less daunting.

Research indicates that virtual EMDR can be just as effective as its traditional counterpart. The key lies in finding a reputable platform and a qualified therapist.

Finding EMDR Therapists Near Me

While online therapy offers numerous advantages, some individuals prefer or benefit more from in-person sessions. Here are some tips to find certified practitioners in your vicinity:

  1. Professional Directories: Websites like the EMDR International Association offer directories of certified therapists.
  2. Referrals: General practitioners, psychologists, or friends might have recommendations.
  3. Insurance Providers: Often, insurance providers have lists of qualified therapists covered under specific plans.

The Role of Bilateral Stimulation

All in all, one of the most distinctive features of this therapy is the use of bilateral stimulation, typically in the form of guided eye movements. However, why is it so crucial, and how does it contribute to the therapy’s effectiveness? Let’s explore:

Understanding Bilateral Stimulation: Bilateral stimulation involves alternating stimulation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. While eye movements are the most recognized form, other methods like auditory tones or tactile pulses can also be used.

Why It’s Used in EMDR

  1. Accelerates Processing: Bilateral stimulation seems to accelerate the brain’s information processing system, allowing traumatic memories to be desensitized at a faster rate than traditional talk therapy.
  2. Mimics REM Sleep: The rapid eye movements that therapists use in EMDR are thought to mimic the eye movements during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, a phase of sleep associated with dreaming and memory processing. This will definetely help in the reprocessing of traumatic memories.
  3. Distraction and Grounding: The physical act of bilateral stimulation can be grounding and can serve as a slight distraction from the intensity of the traumatic memory, making the recollection more manageable for the client.

How It’s Administered

  • Guided Eye Movements: The therapist moves their fingers or a wand side to side in front of the client’s eyes, guiding them to move their eyes back and forth.
  • Tactile Stimulation: Alternating taps using handheld buzzers or gentle taps by the therapist can be used.
  • Auditory Tones: Headphones can deliver alternating beeps or clicks to the left and right ears.

Client’s Role in Bilateral Stimulation: The client’s main role is to notice and observe their thoughts, images, feelings, and bodily sensations as they come up during the stimulation, allowing their mind to naturally move through memories or thoughts that arise.

In summary, Incorporating bilateral stimulation into this therapy enhances the brain’s innate healing abilities, helping clients reprocess traumatic memories more effectively and efficiently. By understanding its role, clients can better grasp the significance of this unique aspect of EMDR and how it contributes to their therapeutic journey.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Whether you opt for online sessions or seek a therapist nearby, the most crucial step is reaching out and starting the journey toward healing. Platforms like BetterHelp make this process smoother, bridging the gap between patients and skilled EMDR therapists. Remember, the right therapy mode is the one that suits your comfort, needs, and circumstances.

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