CBT vs. REBT Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Differences

In the broad landscape of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) stand out as two prominent approaches. While they share commonalities, they each possess unique methodologies, benefits, and principles. This article offers a deep dive into both therapeutic strategies, shedding light on their distinct features. If you’re contemplating therapy, platforms like BetterHelp offer qualified professionals who can guide you through either approach.

Price Comparison of In-Person vs. Online CBT & REBT Therapies

Navigating through therapy options, costs can become a pivotal factor in making a choice. Here’s a clear comparison of the costs associated with in-person vs. online therapies for both CBT and REBT:

Traditional In-Person Therapy

  • CBT Sessions: Typically, face-to-face CBT sessions span around 50 minutes and can range from $100 to $200 per session.
  • REBT Sessions: For in-person REBT, you might be looking at a similar time frame, with costs fluctuating between $100 and $300 per session.

Online Therapy: The Future of Convenient Counseling

The digital age has paved the way for online therapeutic platforms, offering not just flexibility but also affordability.

BetterHelp: With platforms like BetterHelp, you’re looking at a weekly rate of $60 to $90. This package encompasses one live session per week. Billed every four weeks, the monthly charges hover between $240 and $360. The unique advantage here? You get quality therapy from the comfort of your home, minus the commute!

A 2021 study published in the “Journal of Clinical Psychology” evaluated the efficacy of online CBT sessions compared to traditional face-to-face therapy. The results highlighted that online CBT can be just as effective, if not more so, in treating anxiety and depression, especially in the context of the pandemic where remote therapies became a necessity.

Cost Efficiency

Not only does online therapy offer the luxury of convenience, but as delineated above, it often edges out traditional therapy in terms of cost-effectiveness. Especially in the current times, where safety and ease of access are paramount, online platforms like BetterHelp stand as a beacon for many seeking therapeutic guidance.

Type of TherapyAverage Cost per SessionDuration
In-Person CBT$100 – $20050 minutes
In-Person REBT$100 – $30050 minutes
Online (BetterHelp)$60 – $90 (weekly rate)1 live session/week

Please note: The prices mentioned in this article are accurate as of the publication date and may change over time. Always check the latest prices before making any decisions.

CBT: A Quick Overview and Benefits

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a renowned therapeutic technique catering to a spectrum of emotional and mental health challenges. From anxiety and depression to more complex disorders, CBT offers a structured, goal-oriented approach to problem-solving.


  1. Structured Sessions: CBT follows a well-laid-out plan, ensuring each session builds on the previous one.
  2. Versatility: Effective for treating a diverse range of psychological disorders.
  3. Empowerment: Equips individuals with practical skills to handle challenges in real-life scenarios.

The CBT Therapy Process

CBT is grounded in the belief that our thoughts shape our feelings and behaviors. Here, patients learn to identify and challenge distorted thought patterns, replacing them with more balanced and positive ones.

  1. Assessment: Understand the patient’s concerns and establish goals.
  2. Skill Acquisition: Introduce strategies to manage and change negative thought patterns.
  3. Skill Consolidation: Application of learned skills to real-life situations.
  4. Feedback and Termination: Reflect on progress and plan future strategies.

REBT: Key Features and Advantages

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is designed to reform rigid, irrational beliefs. By focusing on changing these deeply ingrained thought processes, individuals can achieve more flexible, healthier thought patterns.


  1. Direct Approach: Therapists provide direct feedback, facilitating faster change.
  2. Holistic View: Addresses thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  3. Empowerment: Like CBT, REBT also equips individuals with strategies to confront and overcome challenges.

The REBT Therapy Process

REBT follows the ABC model – Activating Event, Beliefs, and Consequences. The therapy aims to identify the irrational beliefs stemming from certain events and then explore the emotional and behavioral consequences of those beliefs.

  1. Identifying Irrational Beliefs: Understand the root of negative thought patterns.
  2. Challenging and Changing Beliefs: Confront those beliefs and replace them with healthier ones.
  3. Behavioral Techniques: Implement strategies to promote positive behavior changes.

An intriguing study from the “International Journal of Cognitive Therapy” (2020) explored the benefits of integrating mindfulness practices with REBT techniques. The combined approach showed promise in enhancing emotional regulation, particularly for individuals struggling with impulse control disorders.

CBT vs. REBT: Key Distinctions

While both CBT and REBT focus on changing negative thought patterns, they diverge in methodologies:

  1. Origin of Beliefs: CBT emphasizes the thought, while REBT delves deeper into the root belief.
  2. Therapist’s Role: In CBT, therapists play a more collaborative role, while in REBT, they might be more directive.
  3. Emotional Reasoning: REBT places a higher emphasis on addressing emotional reasoning compared to CBT.

In Conclusion: Which Therapy Suits You?

Both CBT and REBT offer effective avenues for mental and emotional healing. Your choice largely hinges on personal preferences, the specific nature of your concerns, and the approach you resonate with. Platforms like BetterHelp not only provide access to trained professionals but also allow you to explore which therapy aligns best with your needs. Remember, the journey to mental well-being is deeply personal, and there’s no one-size-fits-all. Choose the path that feels right for you.


1. How long does a typical CBT or REBT session last?
Most sessions for both therapies last about 50 minutes to an hour. However, the duration can vary based on individual needs and therapist recommendations.

2. Can I switch from CBT to REBT or vice versa if I feel one isn’t working for me?
Yes, it’s essential to find a therapeutic approach that resonates with you. If you feel one isn’t beneficial, discuss with your therapist about trying the other.

3. Are there any side effects associated with these therapies?
Generally, both therapies are safe. However, as with any therapeutic intervention, some individuals might experience increased emotional discomfort or stress initially. Always communicate any concerns with your therapist.

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